We believe in ministry. We believe in equipping people with the truth of God's Word. Because we believe this, we offer ministry opportunities to achieve these goals. Below, are the ministry that we currently provide or that we support. Please take a few moments to explore and seek guidance as needed.
Kid's Ministry
This ministry is designed to equip and nurture the kids of the Owosso/Chesaning area. We recognize this great need and have invested in remodeling of our fellowship area in order to offer an environment for youth to enjoy. This new area will be used for youth of all ages. We look to offer a time for area teens to come and join n our "Coffee Cup Fellowship". During these meetings we will enjoy coffee and snacks, music and movies. And of course, Jesus.
We also have a brand new nursery for new moms.
Marriage Preparation
Terry is happy to perform your wedding ceremony. If you are looking for a small country for your wedding contact the preacher for more details.
Rock Lake Christian Assembly
Rock Lake is a youth camp and year round retreat center. As a youth camp. they offer graded session in the summer for all ages. As a retreat center, they have great accommodations for for next retreat. Click the box below to visit their website.
Shepherd's Purse
Our work is with "the forgotten children", those at risk of slipping through the cracks. Most of our work is wilth orphans and social orphans (kids with one parent who cannot take care of them or have left them). We support our partners in Ukraine, India, and other areas, with supplies, encouragement, and prayers. Our heart is the heart of the Father and try to serve and follow His directives in this ministry.